Transformation of the Auto Industry in the IoT (Internet of things) world
Elon Musk is an evangelist when it comes to looking to the future. He has pushed convention to create (With his co-founders) a new payment portal PayPal, SpaceX with reusable rockets. But the most important if not successful is how he is challenging the Stale car industry who have been selling you optional cup holders or tinted windows for the same car internals that have been around since the 1950’s.
There is a movement now to reinvent the automotive industry. To which some governments around the world have committed to ban the sale of all diesel and petrol cars and vans from 2040 (UK, France - Committed, Story here). While car companies such as BMW, Jaguar and Volvo have made a business-wide objective of bringing this forward to 2019 Reference story here (Volvo said it would only make fully electric or hybrid cars from 2019 onwards.
But what does this mean for manufacturers, for a number of them they will have to adapt to survive meaning more investment into their digital transformation and providing a higher level of customer experience.
Telsa response to Hurricane Irma was to up their game on delivering an exceptional customer experience. For Customers who owned Telsa's and purchased the less expensive version car with the 65KW battery have the 75K battery but with software, limiters to reduce the price provide the customer. This reduced their initial investment in the car, but they could pay for the upgrade a later time. Tesla knowing that their owners would be trying to escape from the sheer force of Irma pushed through a removal of the limiters to anyone within the affected area by using location information from the GPS and internet connection from the cars.
The Internet of Things has transformed the car you have that just sits in the driveway to be a connected device that can receive enhancements and upgrades on the fly!
For any owners who had any problems or glitches with any of the mechanics of the car can contact Telsa engineers can remotely connect to the car troubleshoot and resolve issues overnight to have the customer back on the road with their problems solved.
TheInternet of Things is changing the world around us; connected devices are changing the way we engage with everything around us from day to day interactions with and we are keen to help you understand your digital transformation and ensure that you don’t fall behind.